From the omnipresence of conversation to its radical absence and the figure of the reader in Cae la noche tropical (1988) by Manuel Puig
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Cae la noche tropical, Manuel Puig’s last novel (1988), reveals once again a quality of voice based on the ethics of inter-subjectivity, a specific location of the reader’s figure and, at the same time, a repetitive practice: conversation (Link, 2009). This “presentification” mechanism (Aira, 1990) generates in the novel a symbolic, astronomical and existential imbrication, from an arch that progresses from the omnipresence of conversation to its radical absence, which replicates the process of life turning into death which these two elderly sisters, Luci and Nidia, are undergoing at the same time, and also the astronomic cycle day-night which, on the other hand, reveals the moment in which that passage becomes evident: twilight.
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