Search in the Space of the Poem: the case of Hugo Mujica, Marí­a Rosa Lojo and Enrique Solinas

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Enzo Cárcano


Hugo Mujica, Marí­a Rosa Lojo and Enrique Solinas’s lyrical works can be read, despite generational differences, as three original anti-dogmatic projects of ontological pursuit: that is, as singular searches or openings, in and through poetry itself, for the being, God or, in general, that which constitutes humanity itself but escapes rational understanding. Although their poetics express that concern differently, they share the conception of the poem itself as the place of exploration. Thus, I propose a comparison of spatial work modalities in each poet to study what kind of “spatial rhythms” (Jitrik), of original “punctuations” (Meschonnic), govern them and what meanings could be thought arising from them.


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Cárcano, E. (2020). Search in the Space of the Poem: the case of Hugo Mujica, Marí­a Rosa Lojo and Enrique Solinas. Orbis Tertius, 25(31), e151.


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