Giordano or the ethics of the essayist

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Carlos Eugenio Surghi


This work analyzes the figure of abandonment as an ethical possibility of essay writing in Alberto Giordano's El tiempo de la convalecencia. Between theoretical speculation and the confessional effect, between moral judgment and knowledge based on experience, it bursts forth as a record of writing that goes from the security of what is known to abandonment as a task; The movement that I bring brings the discontinuity of the unknown, the irony of dispossession and egotistical skepticism. In this way, the text, which recovers the best of the French tradition - the Barthesian as if novelizing desire - and also of the English tradition - the irony that makes it possible to constantly question literature - can be read as a poetics of the critical as an artist, or of the critical vocation without moral reach.


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How to Cite
Surghi, C. E. (2020). Giordano or the ethics of the essayist. Orbis Tertius, 25(32), e167.


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