Affections and deviations from patriarchal society in La cautiva by Esteban Echeverría and Las cautivas by Mariano Tenconi Blanco

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Calipso Irupé Guido Ondarts Nuguer


In the following scientific article, we propose to do a comparative study between the poem La Cautiva(1837), one of the founding fictions written by Esteban Echeverría, an intellectual belonging to the romantic generation of 37, and Las Cautivas(2022), the contemporary reworking in a theatrical key written by the Argentine playwright Mariano Tenconi Blanco, based on the concept of the “between place” developed by the Brazilian essayist Silvano Santiago in A literature in the tropics (2012). The “between place”, understood by the Brazilian author as a category that allows us to think about Latin America not from the local nor from the global but at the intersection and in the framework that occurs between the local and the global, will allow us to crack and move of the famous Sarmiento dichotomy of civilization and barbarism, to reflect on the favorite space of both pieces: the desert. What novel identity possibilities are founded in that indeterminate space that is neither the Indian malón nor the Europeanizing city? When we move away from civilization, what new affections and bonds emerge?


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How to Cite
Ondarts Nuguer, C. I. G. (2024). Affections and deviations from patriarchal society in La cautiva by Esteban Echeverría and Las cautivas by Mariano Tenconi Blanco. Orbis Tertius, 29(40), e318.
Dosier: Itinerarios románticos. De la literatura, el teatro y la actuación del siglo XIX a la escena contemporánea argentina


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