Capitalismo, religión y violencia: la poesí­a niuyorriqueña a la luz de Walter Benjamin

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Alejo López


Walter Benjamin's short sketch "Capitalism as Religion" re-emerged in recent times through new critical reinterpretations such as Hermann Herlinghaus' analysis of the new representations of violence in contemporary Latin American art. But Herlinghaus' analysis fails to adequately address the religious dimension and the influential weight that the concept of guilt/debt (Schuld) has in Benjamin's conception. It is from this vacuum that our work intends to trace the poetic representations of this violence in capitalist societies, within a corpus of Nuyorican poets, attending especially to the profuse utility that this Benjaminian theoretical formulation entails for the analysis of these unique poetic expressions.


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López, A. (2017). Capitalismo, religión y violencia: la poesí­a niuyorriqueña a la luz de Walter Benjamin. Orbis Tertius, 22(26), e055.


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