'Muerte de Narciso', poema-umbral del orbe lezamiano

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Daniela Evangelina Chazarreta


This article analises the Valéry's and Ovid's Narcissus presence and the Garcilaso's and Góngora's poetics in José Lezama Lima's "Muerte de Narciso". In his first published poem, Lezama appoints his lineage where Garcilaso is the emblematic figure of a poet and also mentions his differences about Valéry and Góngora. We read also a relation between this poem and the notion of "era imaginaria", that Lezama builds during the sixties, this allows us to design this text as the beginning of Lezama Lima's poetic.


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Chazarreta, D. E. (2005). ’Muerte de Narciso’, poema-umbral del orbe lezamiano. Orbis Tertius, 10(11). Retrieved from https://www.orbistertius.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OTv10n11a07