Hispanismo y crí­tica hispánica al sur. Sobre periferias, centros y des-centramientos

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Marta Raquel Macciuci


In this paper the topic of the VI International Congress Orbis Tertius, "The critical traditions" it puts in relation with the area of the Hispanism. The scopes of the term are established in the Argentine and Latin-American academy. Then a series of reflections are approached on the statute and the problems of the Spanish literature in the career of Letters of the national universities. Once descript its range and its specific circumstances, tried to delineate the distinctive features of the own discourse, which, fed by the interchange and the crossing with the critical lines most taken root in our way, appear different of the radiated ones from Spain and the United States, both hegemonic poles of the Hispanism. Finally, the reasoning is connected with the debates concerning around the canon and the concept literature.


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How to Cite
Macciuci, M. R. (2006). Hispanismo y crí­tica hispánica al sur. Sobre periferias, centros y des-centramientos. Orbis Tertius, 11(12). Retrieved from https://www.orbistertius.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OTv11n12a13