Crí­tica y compromiso teórico: el choque de culturas y los cristianismos

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Facundo Tomás


The article is interwoven by two bibliographic sources: The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington and Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Huntington's point of view is deconstructed as basis ideology of the United States and Weber's ideas are reintroduced to find, in first theological formulations, the elements constituting different and opposite ethics. Euro American culture is defined as "Christian", including atheism and Judaism; within them, two religious poles with opposite morals are explored: puritan Calvinism from United States and Catholicism from South Europe and Latin America. The article attempts to show that culture is bound up with first religious premises; the latter being a sustenance to current Euro American disputes.


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How to Cite
Tomás, F. (2006). Crí­tica y compromiso teórico: el choque de culturas y los cristianismos. Orbis Tertius, 11(12). Retrieved from