Quiero detenerme en la palabra... A propósito del hueso duro de Gauguin

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Elsa Noya


This paper approaches a reading and understanding of present Puerto Rican literary field, through the relationship between young authors and their literary models, especially by means of the link, as an example, between Juan Carlos Quiñones and Luis Rafael Sánchez. The concept of influence according to Harold Bloom becomes intricate in terms of reading and writing, since young people separate themselves from programmatic commands around ambivalent Puerto Rican national identity, though, in turn, they acknowledge filial gestures of closeness to their elders.


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How to Cite
Noya, E. (2007). Quiero detenerme en la palabra. A propósito del hueso duro de Gauguin. Orbis Tertius, 12(13). Retrieved from https://www.orbistertius.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OTv12n13d04
Dossier: Puerto Rico y el Caribe en perspectiva