El efecto Duchamp
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In a literature in which values have disappeared and phantasms have lost their consistency, language is a ready made of clichés. Some contemporary novels, however, have earned qualifications such as "truthful" (Jarkowski 2008) or "authentic" [Lemus 2004]. The magic has returned and the narrators, although their narratives may be incomplete, indifferent and even frivolous, address the reader in a manner similar to the great realists [Lukács 1971] because the effect of these texts is indexical. With brutality or delight, they all point to the asynchronicity between that what is said, what is done and what is no longer done. With common names and without any distance, they thus give a name to singular desires: theirs and ours [Aira 1988: 59]
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Rodríguez Carranza, L. (2008). El efecto Duchamp. Orbis Tertius, 14(15). Retrieved from https://www.orbistertius.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OTv14n15a01
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