Ricardo Piglia, una poética de la reescritura

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Julia Graciela Romero


This article constitutes a first approach to the manuscripts of Prisión perpetua, the consideration of a future archive and the theoretical and critical reflections that such an event arouses. We also advance the figuration of a poetics based on the mechanism of rewriting, and especially of a type of rewriting that we here call 'Menard's strategy', whereby the recontextualizations of the own work conform a system of narrative profitability which results in the multiplication on the level of textual production


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Romero, J. G. (2009). Ricardo Piglia, una poética de la reescritura. Orbis Tertius, 15(16). Retrieved from https://www.orbistertius.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OTv15n16d01
Dossier: Ricardo Piglia: reescritura y crítica-ficción