Algunas notas sobre Bajo este sol tremendo, de Carlos Busqued

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María Stegmayer
María Fernanda González


In Carlos Busqued's first novel, topics around the most disturbing manifestations of violence adopt an unsettling tonality, since they avoid psychological treatment or sociological reflection to situate themselves in a zone of indistinction between subject and object, nature and history, figure and background, animal and human: formless forms bringing news from an underworld whose violence always prevails. The present article aims at exploring that which is involved in the experience of a limit trespassed and its figures -a symptom of social experience in the present


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Stegmayer, M., & González, M. F. (2010). Algunas notas sobre Bajo este sol tremendo, de Carlos Busqued. Orbis Tertius, 16(17). Retrieved from