Juegos miméticos: La invención de las niñas. [Lectura de dos cuentos de Marta Brunet]
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In the short stories "La nariz" and "La niña que quiso ser estampa" by Marta Brunet, child characters carry metatextual discourses revealing the author's relationship with the literary institution in Chile during the first half of the 20th century. The representation of childhood as a cultural object and its metaphorical use will be the starting point to reflect on Brunet's ambiguous insertion in the "lettered city", the mimetic operations she had to project in order to be accepted by her contemporaries and the construction of female characters aiming towards a personal and creative autonomy
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Amaro Castro, L. (2010). Juegos miméticos: La invención de las niñas. [Lectura de dos cuentos de Marta Brunet]. Orbis Tertius, 16(17). Retrieved from
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