El hilo de platino: Neobarroco y más allá
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In general, we are used to reading and thinking of poetry according to certain rhythms. However, in a poetry such as that written by the Cuban José Kozer -which voluntarily opts for machination and theft- lyricism becomes inefficient. The concepts of theft, failure and decay pervade all of Kozer's poetry and are proposed as a kind of voluntary and manifest destiny before a certain modern triumphalist poetic tradition. The hard task assigned to the poet would thus be that of the Talmudist who, in an act of devotion, bows his head in order to write comments in the margins of an eternal book which is, in turn, every book. This essay aims to ponder over these aspects of the Kozerian world especially starting from its possible connections with Latin American Neo Baroque
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León, D. (2010). El hilo de platino: Neobarroco y más allá. Orbis Tertius, 16(17). Retrieved from https://www.orbistertius.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OTv16n17a06
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