Leerse en la novela y formar parte de la cultura nacional [Colombia a mediados del siglo XIX]
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In Colombia around the middle of the XIXth century a relationship between collective and private reading is established whereby practices are determined by the force of the public. In the case of literature, particularly novels and sketches of manners, pondering the relationships between the public and the private enables us to see how these affect reading in its connections between the world of the text and the reader's world and the intervention of national discourse. In what follows some of these contacts will be presented with a view to new research directions in the history of reading
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Acosta Peñaloza, C. E. (2011). Leerse en la novela y formar parte de la cultura nacional [Colombia a mediados del siglo XIX]. Orbis Tertius, 17(18). Retrieved from https://www.orbistertius.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OTv17n18d02
Dossier: El libro, la lectura y los lectores en América Latina. Algunos aportes
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