Autoficción y trabajo de memoria en <i>La casa de los conejos<i/> de Laura Alcoba

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Bruno Ragazzi


The article explores discursive representations within the field of memory in La casa de los conejos by Laura Alcoba. The choice of autofiction as a genre allows discovering new mnemic narratives around the unequal confrontation between Montoneros and right-wing repressive forces. These novel ways of viewing the past are connected to what Ricoeur has called “work of memory”, a therapeutic elaboration on memory that enables a community to reach hope and forgiveness.


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How to Cite
Ragazzi, B. (2014). Autoficción y trabajo de memoria en <i>La casa de los conejos<i/> de Laura Alcoba. Orbis Tertius, 18(19), 126–134. Retrieved from