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Emiliano Sued
Juan Albin


The first two editions of Potpourri. Silbidos de un vago appeared in October and November 1882; the third one, in December 1883. For the second edition, except for the correction of five misprints, the author made no changes. But he did introduce some of them for the third edition –the most important being the addition of a prologue. As for the rest of the text, the type of interventions –lexical substitutions and formal modifications that at times involve semantic transformations, adjustments which benefit the coherence of the plot and legibility– reveals an evident concern for detail


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Sued, E., & Albin, J. (2014). . Orbis Tertius, 19(20), 134–140. Retrieved from
Dossier: Cambaceres. Experimentación y polvareda en las primeras ediciones de Potpourri (1882-1883)