Belleza y Felicidad en la vorágine del 2001: algunas percepciones contemporáneas sobre las condiciones de un arte polí­tico

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Marina Yuszczuk


A very controversial initiative in its time, the production of Belleza y Felicidad (Beauty and Happiness) –and especially the surrounding debate that it generated– retrospectively helps to enlighten the underlying concepts and assessments in art and poetry discussions during the late 90s and early in the decade of 2000. From this premise, this article reviews three critical texts published in this period by Martí­n Prieto and Daniel Garcí­a Helder, César Aira and Mario Ortiz, in which, in connection to the critical reading of Belleza y Felicidad, certain possible ways to link poetry and politics are pointed out.


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Yuszczuk, M. (2015). Belleza y Felicidad en la vorágine del 2001: algunas percepciones contemporáneas sobre las condiciones de un arte polí­tico. Orbis Tertius, 20(21), 21–29. Retrieved from