Marcelo Cohen. Las fundaciones de la ciencia ficción (parte II: La comunidad)

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Luciana Martinez


The present work constitutes a continuation to “Marcelo Cohen. Las fundaciones de la ciencia ficción”, a previous article appeared at the 19th issue of this journal in December 2013. The aforementioned work already anticipated that the problem of subjective ontology in Cohen ´s fictions implied an issue on the community. Therein, it was also outlined some aspects of the to be-in-common problem for being developed in future works. Accordingly, here we restart the analysis of cohenian ontology problems for then to state that community problems are already in germ at the paradigm that the author reformulates. In Cohen ´s fictions, the romantic proposal of an union among art-science-religion-politics is updated. Here we analyze its inflections.


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Martinez, L. (2015). Marcelo Cohen. Las fundaciones de la ciencia ficción (parte II: La comunidad). Orbis Tertius, 20(21), 30–38. Retrieved from