Itinerarios de una identidad voluble: el debate sobre la edición "independiente" en Francia y Brasil

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José de Souza Muniz Júnior


This article analyzes the evolution of the debate on “independent” publishers, taking place since the 1990s, by characterizing some of the agents and institutions working individually or collectively towards the introduction of new discursivities on the topic. The analysis focuses on France, a country that has served as the locus and global catalyst of this debate, and Brazil, where the debate has taken on some distinctive characteristics.


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How to Cite
Muniz Júnior, J. de S. (2015). Itinerarios de una identidad voluble: el debate sobre la edición "independiente" en Francia y Brasil. Orbis Tertius, 20(21), 145–158. Retrieved from
Dossier: Comunidades y relatos del libro en América Latina