The author in flight or the icaria-dedálica scene: pioneer aviation and literary modernity (Kafka, Hesse and D’Annunzio)

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Felix Philipp Ingold


This essay is a translation of an excerpt from the first of three parts of Felix Philipp Ingold's Der Autor am Werk, published in 1992 by Hanser, München. The author was extremely generous in giving the fragment of his text for translation, and especially for this dossier. The italics that appear in this text are the author. The notes correspond to the original text; some of them were abbreviated, as well as the paragraph on takeoff and fall as Icarian scenes. The original text presents a considerable number of images that cannot be reproduced here, however, a few were replaced by sources accessible on the Internet and their captions refer to the original comments of the author.


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Ingold, F. P. (2021). The author in flight or the icaria-dedálica scene: pioneer aviation and literary modernity (Kafka, Hesse and D’Annunzio). Orbis Tertius, 26(33), e195.
“Ojo cielo”. Poéticas y estéticas de la aviación en el contexto latinoamericano


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