On reclusions and flights: aest het ics of desease and politics of life

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Cecilia Sánchez Idiart


Concerned with the materiality of language and how it links to bodies, the novels Salón de belleza by Mario Bellatin and Balnearios de Etiopía by Javier Guerrero explore the places of confinement organized around disease, and a series of untimely mutations of the living that inaugurate possibilities of resistance. If the knowledge and practices of medicine aspire to the classification and homogenization of bodies, these fictions dismantle such claims to focus on the lines of contagion configured by disease, and the encounters between materialities that undermine any will to know. Both novels look at the ways in which bodies, their disorders, and their suffering become the object of various technologies of power and knowledge, as well as the terrain of struggles for other modes of life and other languages.


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Sánchez Idiart, C. (2021). On reclusions and flights: aest het ics of desease and politics of life. Orbis Tertius, 26(34), e211. https://doi.org/10.24215/18517811e211


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