The Turn of “Roland Barthes and the Limits of Structuralism”: Grammar and Referential Function in Paul de Man

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Daniel Pérez Fajardo


At the height of French semiology, Paul de Man tried to make a polemic with Roland Barthes. His text left unpublished, but it is still of great importance for the study of structuralism, and to read Paul de Man’s work. Indeed, De Man’s essay shows arguments against Roland Barthes which will be then topics of his further works. This essay aims to be a review about Paul de Man’s theoretical problems with Roland Barthes and how the development of these arguments shows the main influence of Kenneth Burke’s work on the Belgian critic.


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Pérez Fajardo, D. (2022). The Turn of “Roland Barthes and the Limits of Structuralism”: Grammar and Referential Function in Paul de Man. Orbis Tertius, 27(36), e244.


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