Poetry festivals in Argentina: sound territories and desiring production

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Flavia Garione


This article is proposed as a preliminary approach to the sound dimension of contemporary Argentine poetry and the spaces in which it circulates. Starting to think about the sound of poetry, about the substantial questions of how a poet or a festival sounds, immediately invites one to wonder about the territories that voices construct. In this sense, for Brandon LaBelle (2010), sound generates auditory knowledge that unfolds as a space-time event. At the same time, it opens a field of interaction, to become a channel, a fluid, a flow of voice that can forge a micro-geography of the moment. The auditory paradigm could be, in this way, a significant model to think and experience the artistic condition and poetic performances in the framework of Argentine poetry festivals.


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Garione, F. (2022). Poetry festivals in Argentina: sound territories and desiring production. Orbis Tertius, 27(36), e246. https://doi.org/10.24215/18517811e246


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