A mirror at the back of the room. About the International Workshop "Latin American and Writer. Re-readings of Julio Cortázar between literature and politics" (Wuppertal-Poitiers, 2022)

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Adriana A. Bocchino


This article is based on a review of the conversations about Cortázar's work that took place during the International Conference of January 2022 at the University of Wuppertal. The title, "A Mirror at the Back of the Hall", is an invitation to think about the times through the literary criticism of this work, with the tentative hypothesis that the critical operation is not so much directed at Cortázar's work as an attempt to position itself in the face of our present.


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How to Cite
Bocchino, A. A. . (2022). A mirror at the back of the room. About the International Workshop "Latin American and Writer. Re-readings of Julio Cortázar between literature and politics" (Wuppertal-Poitiers, 2022). Orbis Tertius, 27(36), e249. https://doi.org/10.24215/18517811e249
Dosier: "Latinoamericano y escritor: aproximaciones críticas a la obra de Julio Cortázar desde el siglo XXI”


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