Scenes, bodies, archives and persistences: reflections on queer readings of Julián del Casal

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Rocío Fernández


Towards the end of the 20th century, following in the pioneering footsteps of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, both Oscar Montero with Erotismo y representación en Julián del Casal (1993) and Silvia Molloy with the essays she would later compile in Poses de fin de siglo. Desbordes del género en la modernidad (2012) launched new ways of reading Latin American modernism. In this paper, I would like to dwell on the queer reading operations that arise around the figure of Julián del Casal on occasion of the centenary of his death in 1993. In line with the scenes used methodologically by Molloy, both in the 1990s and in the first decade of the 2000s a whole series of anecdotes and biographical images emerge which will show the Cuban in his queerness, and which I propose to rethink in the framework of a visual archive that configures not only a different sensibility but also ways of opening up the nation.


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Fernández, R. (2023). Scenes, bodies, archives and persistences: reflections on queer readings of Julián del Casal. Orbis Tertius, 28(37), e263.


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