Hidden in full sun A loving form of biography: Missing by Alberto Fuguet

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Julia Musitano


Halfway between chronicle and autofiction, with pieces of reportage and embedded files Missing (una investigación) by Alberto Fuguet (2008) settles in an incipient tradition of love biographies that highlights the link between biographer and biographed and it emerges from the requirements of exhaustiveness and objectivity proposed by a canonical current of the genre. The loving form is defined less by the bond (uncle and nephew) than by the deployment of two lives inscribed in writing. Fuguet tells his uncle's life through his own, or tells his own with the excuse of looking for his uncle. I am interested in dwelling on the effects that this first person -Fuguet's- has on the narration of another's life -his uncle's- in loving and hospitable terms. My aim is to approach a conceptualization of the amorous form of the biography to review the ways in which Missing puts in tension a biographical moral conscience and an ethic of fugue in the link between the biographer and his character.


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Musitano, J. (2023). Hidden in full sun A loving form of biography: Missing by Alberto Fuguet. Orbis Tertius, 28(37), e267. https://doi.org/10.24215/18517811e267
Dosier: Una vida juntos. Vínculos y afinidades en la escritura biográfica


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