Nostalgia for Childhood and the Poet's Play in Alejandra Pizarnik and Cristina Peri Rossi

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Anita Guerra


This article is a reading of the literary corpus of Alejandra Pizarnik and Cristina Peri Rossi based on the dialogue between two thematic-theoretical axes: the theme of childhood (real and/or imagined) widely worked on both in their fictional narratives and in their poetic works. and essays, and the theme of the game, understood in a broad sense within a spectrum that goes from children's games to those of chance. For this, we mobilize authors such as Walter Benjamin, Georges Bataille, and Maurice Blanchot in their reflections on the relationship between poetry and childhood, risk, and chance.


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Guerra, A. (2024). Nostalgia for Childhood and the Poet’s Play in Alejandra Pizarnik and Cristina Peri Rossi. Orbis Tertius, 29(39), e290.


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