Una materialidad de la exasperación. Acerca de Poesí­a civil, de Sergio Raimondi

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Hernán Francisco Pas


After the publication of Poesí­a civil, Sergio Raimondi (Bahia Blanca, 1968) has taken a central spot in contemporary argentinean poetry. The following article investigates the complex relationships between aesthetics and politics, and between poetry and society formed in the text, from a materialistic vision formalized in his writing. The text's strong anti-lyricism calls into question theoretical notions such as "limit" and "genre", that emphasize the processing of "extraliterary" or "extrapoetic" discourses. Also, the notion of "landscape" is key in the disposition of a realistic view that, in the process of particularizing the aesthetic representation, gives birth to the historic and formally produces its political effectiveness.


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Pas, H. F. (2007). Una materialidad de la exasperación. Acerca de Poesí­a civil, de Sergio Raimondi. Orbis Tertius, 12(13). Retrieved from https://www.orbistertius.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OTv12n13a02