Cortázar y sus editores

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José Luis De Diego


The article presents a "study-case" in the context of recent research on publishing. Three periods can be distinguished in the relationship between Cortázar and the editors: 1) The editors-friends [Devoto, Cuadrado, Urgoiti] in the period encompassing his beginnings until 1959; 2) The "Porrúa period", the editions by Sudamericana and the first translations [1959-1968]; 3) The seventies up to his death: the publishing dispersal [Orfila, Schavelzon, Muchnik] and the political activity. The study focuses on a privileged document such as the three volumes of his Letters, edited by Aurora Bernárdez


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How to Cite
De Diego, J. L. (2008). Cortázar y sus editores. Orbis Tertius, 14(15). Retrieved from
Dossier: Políticas editoriales: entre España y Argentina